My Great Dream

Novel update: This summer I set a 36,000 word count challenge. I am happy to report that I met that goal. I have told people often that this is a story within a story about the power of one’s own story. The twelve chapters I completed in the spring are the outer layer of this story told in third person perspective. The chapters I completed this summer are the inner layer of this story told in first person perspective. I believe the true art form of this novel will hinge on the interweaving of these stories. This of course means I am nearing novel completion! It is exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. I can’t tell you how much self-talk it has taken for me to get here. My journals are filled with lines like, “stay the course, keep the focus”, “be audacious” and “slow and steady, you can do it!” Admittedly, I am feeling confident about the upcoming months because I have a game plan and timeline that seems achievable.

Completion Timeline:

September—Write 5 chapters

October—Write 5 chapters

Early November– Reread the twelve chapters from spring and layer the cake (a.k.a assemble the book). It will not be 100% complete, there will be more outer layer chapters to write, but I am hoping for 80% completion.

November 16th (my 30th birthday!)– Give book out to first round readers. I already have these people confirmed and I feel blessed at their willingness to read.

December– Write remaining chapters and integrate feedback from first round readers.

January 1st– Give completed book out to 2nd round readers (also confirmed and blessed).

January-May– Complete Capstone project (my novel) with writing mentor. I can’t wait to have this one on one time with Kitsi to thoroughly go through the text and fine tooth comb it.

May 2015– Give birth to a magnificent literary baby with the pride of a warrior and the grace of a princess. Receive Masters degree from the University of Pennsylvania.  Print out 500 copies to sell and give to potential publishers. Host a book signing party, which all of you will be invited to. Try to get the book professionally published.

And there it is all laid out in front of me. All I have to do is show up, avoid distractions and write.

Pen strokes,
A Warrior Princess

9 comments on “My Great Dream

  1. Anonymous says:

    Congrats! Cant wait to read it.

  2. Jaime says:

    You can do it!!

  3. Kylie says:

    Congrats!!! You’re almost there. I enjoyed the 5 chapters, so I can’t wait for the real deal!

  4. says:

    so proud of you Julia dear, tia sis

  5. Hey, happy to see you enjoyed my cartoon. 🙂 also love that your’e a fellow writer and awesome progress so far and stick to that plan!! 🙂 All the best, can’t wait to read it when you’re finished!

  6. Hugo says:

    Do it!!!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    So proud of you. Your coming down the homestretch. Your Sun

  8. Carrie L. says:

    GO Julia! You totally got this girl!!

  9. […] are the first glimpses of my literary baby. She is not ready to meet the world just yet. The novel is only 75% complete with ten or so more […]

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